We have made couplings for the last 30 years as they part of our range of standard products. A full brochure with details of dimensions and calculations is available for download here.
Pin and buffer brake drum
A range of torsionally flexible resilient none lubricated shaft brakedrum / brakedisc couplings for parking or dynamic braking. Stock range of cast iron brakedrum couplings up to 12” diameter. Steel brakedrum couplings and all brakedisc couplings are made to order. Brakedrums, Grade 17 cast iron, alternative S.G. iron or steel

Rigid plain bore
A range of plain bore rigid shaft couplings for general industrial applications. Larger sizes available on request.
GD² and weight values are with solid flanges.
Higher torques than those listed can be accommodated. Contact us with your requirements
Gear and grid
High torque gear shaft couplings and torsionally flexible resilient grid couplings available under distributorship.
We can supply a range of torsionally rigid AGMA lubricated steel gear shaft couplings to suit most applications. These are interchangeable either as a complete coupling or half for half with any other AGMA gear coupling. Double and single engagement type available.
These give protection against shock loading and vibration and thrust loads